Our National Constitution had clearly Dictated the Fact, That in:

ARTICLE. 1. Section 2. 2. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

The Modern Spin on this Sentence, has had Many Individuals believing the Negative "NO," with the use of the Conjunction AND, is a continuous Negative Sentence. This is Not the Intent of this Mandating Sentence. This is not a Fact, according to the Knowledgeable Constructioners of Our National Constitution. See this, and the Complete Dialogue at # (2 ) in the Number Box below.

The following is found on page 746 Encyclopedia Britannica Volume Two, printed in 1769.


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A Conjunction is a part of speech void of signification itself, but so formed as to help signification , by making TWO or more significant sentences to beONE significant sentence. As, therefore, it is the essence of a conjunction to connect sentences ; at the same time that they do this, they must either connecttheir meaning or not. For example, let us take these two sentences, Rome was enslaved, --Cæsar was ambitious, and connect them together by the conjunction BECAUSE; Rome was enslaved, BECAUSE Cæsar was ambitious.Here the meanings, as well as the sentences, appear to be connected, but If I say, manners must be reformed, OR liberty will be lost; here the conjunction OR, through it join the sentences, yet, as to their respective meanings,is a perfect disjunctive. And thus it appears, that though all conjunctives conjoin sentences, yet, with respect to the sense, some are CONJUNCTIVE, and others a DISJUNCTIVE.

Those conjunctives which conjoin both sentences and their meanings are either COPULATIVES or CONTINUATIVES. The principle copulative in English is AND. The Continuatives are much More Numerous. IF, BECAUSE, THEREFORE, WHEREFORE, et cetra. The Difference between these is this: The copulative does no more than barely couple sentences, and is therefore applicable to all subjects whose natures are not incompatible: Continuatives, on the contrary, by a more intimate connection, consolidate sentences into one continuous whole; and are therefore applicable only to subjects which have an essential coincidence: For example, it is no way improper to say, Lysippus was a statuary, AND Priscian a grammerian ; the sun shineth, AND the sky is clear;because these are things that may co-exist, and imply no absurdity. But it would Absurd to Say, Lyippus was a Statuary, BECAUSE Priscian was a Grammerian; though not to Say, the Sun Shineth because the sky is clear. The reason is, with respect to the first, the co-incidence is merely accidental: with respect to the last, it is essential , and founded in nature. . .